Introduction - Gold Card Europe

Wide regional acceptor network, cost efficiency, safety and complementary services for companies. This is how MOL Group Gold Card Europe can serve those corporations that travel internationally and need several services to reach their highest mobility related cost efficiency.

Our international fuel cards (GOLD Europe cards) are accepted at close to 6 000 filling stations:

  • in Hungary, Romania, Slovenia, Serbia at MOL,
  • in Czech Republic at MOL and Pap Oil,
  • in Slovakia at Slovnaft,
  • in Croatia at Tifon and INA's full network,
  • in Bosnia and Herzegovina in HoldINA and EnergoPetrol's network,

... and in our partner’s network:

  • in Poland at Uniwar Gorzycki – Slovnaft partner,
  • in Austria at St. valentin's and Wien’s MasterDiesel, Kufstein's Inntaler and selected Diesel24 filling stations (8 locations),
  • at TotalEnergie stations in France, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg and in the Netherlands.

Payment conditions

Payment conditions

Internationally accepted MOL Group Gold Card grants you the convenience of deferred payment even outside your contracting country and supports your company's healthy cash-flow. Explore the possibilities of MOL Group Gold Card Europe.

  • During the contracting phase your company will be evaluated, we will give you the proper credit limit on your MOL Group Gold Card account.
  • You can continuously track the available balance via Card Centre. To learn more about the Card Centre, contact us!
  • Besides the convenience of deferred payment, with MOL Group Gold Card Europe a healthy cash-flow will be also beneficial for your company. The invoicing period and payment term will be defined in your contract and ensure the predictability of your spendings.
  • You can select the network coverage of your card: post-paid cards' acceptance can be limited to your contracting country. You can also choose MOL Group Gold Card Europe to expand card usage to the entire MOL Group Cards network.



Predictability, transparency
Refuel cheaper without unnecessary transaction fees with MOL Group Gold Card Europe. With MOL Group card customers can always benefit from favorable pricing which is tailor made based on their needs and preferences. Our pricing is absolutely transparent without any hidden fees, details about each transaction are displayed in Annex of the invoice and also can be easily checked via Card Centre. In case of foreign transactions very favorable exchange rate is applied.

For more details, please contact us!



Do you need secure payment for fuel purchases? Would you like to control the scope of the available products? Do you want to differentiate the purchase options between several cardholders?
MOL Group Gold Cards give a wide range of control possibilities and card by card solutions for top security.

Security features of every MOL Group Gold Card

  • Each and every MOL Group Gold Card has a unique, secret PIN code which is generated at the moment of production. The PIN code cannot be accessed by anybody during the production or the delivery and the system automatically eliminates the code paralelly with its generation, so it will not be available for anyone. The card production and delivery is managed in a 100% closed system. MOL Group Gold Cards are sent with inactive status and can be activated only after official confirmation.
  • All the MOL Group Gold Cards are authorized online, at the same time when card was swiped on the terminal. The central system automatically recognizes the settings of the card. Real time authorization ensures that no frauds are possible in terms of product scope or location.
  • MOL Group Gold Cards have instant blocking capabilities, with which stolen or lost cards can be blocked in maximum 1 hour after notice. Card blocking can be done online or via our non-stop customer service.
  • Purchase limits can be set card by card for selected time frames: daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly. The limits define the amount of money that can be paid by the respective card in the given time frame. You can also select to which time period you would like to set a limit.

Scope of people authorized for card usage
With MOL Group Gold Cards you can control the scope of people who are authorized to use your company's cards. You can choose between licence plate number, garage or barrel cards.

  • License plate number limitation gives the strictest control on car usage. We suggest to select this option if you would like to closely track the scope of cardholders and vehicles they fill up. With this solution the card usage wil be available only if the vehicle filled up has the same licence plate number as the one embossed on your MOL Group Gold Card. Security check might be done by the host at the service station who has the right to reject the card usage in case of difference.
  • Garage type of MOL Group Gold Cards is suggested if your company frequently varies the vehicles driven. With this solution any vehicle can be filled up and anybody who is aware of the PIN code is authorized to pay by the card.
  • Barrel type MOL Group Gold Cards are recommended if you have different types of assets that you need to fill up. These types of cards are authorized to use in case of filling up any vehicle or vessel. Anybody who is aware of the PIN code is authorized to pay by the card.

Product scope
One of the main advantages of holding a MOL Group Gold Card is that you have the possibility to securely and efficiently control the scope of the products that can be paid by your cards. During the card ordering you will be able to select the product categories that you would like to make with your card available and the exact scope can be further defined in each product group according to the followings:

  • fuels: you can decide which types of fuels you would like to purchase with the respective card.
  • services: selection between car wash and other services available at the service stations.
  • oils and lubricants: you can control the available scope of oils and lubricants.
  • car care and car cosmetics: the range of car care and car cosmetics products can be defined card by card.
  • shop products: the available shop product scope, including toll payment can be set.
    Checking of the card settings and purchased products will be managed by the central system during the online authorization, eliminating the risk of frauds.



With MOL Group Gold Cards you will receive VAT relevant invoice which meets all taxation regulatory requirements, therefore you dont need to collect slips from service station. Besides the invoice, which contains summary of all purchases during invoicing period you will also receive an annex which contains details of all your transactions. In case of purchases in more countries you will receive one summary invoice for each country where your purchase was made, all invoices fully in line with local VAT regulations and therefore can be used for VAT refund process (in case of EU countries). All these invoices will be delivered to you in one package (one envelope) together with summary sheet where you can find list of invoices together with information important for payment. Also you can make decision if you would like to help us to to protect our environment with e-invoicing or if you would like to receive paper invoices.

The frequency of invoicing and payment terms can be tailor-made for your company, the concrete details will be defined in your contract, based on the agreement between your company and the representative of MOL Group Gold Cards.
With our online card management system, Card Centre, you can access all your invoices, filter your transactions and track your card purchases.

If you would like to join us and decrease your company's ecological footprint, select electronic invoicing. Without using paper, avoiding postal delivery and printing, we can save trees and water, while decreasing CO2 emission.
Paralelly with environmental friendliness your company can keep and even increase its accounting efficiency. E-invoices are sent via e-mail on the day of invoicing. You can select the addressee of e-invoices which can be also modified upon your preferences. E-invoices meet also the taxation regulatory requirements, are entirely capable to be inserted into your company's accounting process. E-invoices are authenticated with time stamp and electronic signature. Archiving and storage is secured. To apply to e-invoice,contact us or select e-invoice in your Card Centre account.

Personal care

Personal care

You will be contacted by a dedicated professional from your first step who will escort you on the path to get the best solution for your company. MOL Group Cards' customer service and sales representatives can help you to discover the advantages of MOL Group Cards usage and to find the proper cards and needed services, as well as they help you during contracting and card ordering. Personal care supports your company while travelling across Europe and use MOL Group Gold Cards. Contact us to take the first steps towards MOL Group Cards!

Card ordering

Card ordering

After successful contracting you will get your unique access to MOL Group Cards Card Centre where you can manage the ordering and customization of your first MOL Group Gold Cards. After the production, your fuel cards will be delivered via post to your company's address with the possibility to give more addresses. We also provide the option of personally taking over the cards, with the help of your dedicated MOL Group Cards representative. The Card Centre also provides wide possibilities related to you MOL Group Cards.